StadsJapie South African Barrel Aged Brandy
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£39.95 incl VAT
StadsJapie South African Barrel Aged Brandy – 43% ABV
Our StadsJapie Brandy is inspired by “die manne van die stad”, or the men from the city. As the name suggests is full of city slicker character and the promise of fun times. A playful spirit fused by years of brandy enjoyment with hints of caramel, vanilla, raisin, pear and dried peach.
A great complement to any gathering, this barrel-aged spirit offers a unique, smooth and lingering after taste. A brandy that does not need much for it to complete.
This unique South African Brandy has gained rapid popularity in recent years and developed a cult-like following of brandy lovers.
As jy weet, jy weet! Jare en jare se ondervinding – die StadsJapie Brandewyn. Dit is die Jaap wat skinny jeans en plakkies dra, wat ‘n 4×4 in die stad ry, wat nie braai nie, hy BBQ! Dis StadsJapie – trap hom vas soos ‘n rental, want ons gaan nou ernstig drink vir vyf minute.
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Category South African Craft Spirits